Getting your spending under control and in line with your income is an essential element to building a healthy financial future. Analyze your spending (including what you put on a credit card) each month to make sure you are not spending more than you are bringing in. Once you have got that under control, consider placing what 'extra' you have every month in savings. You will never know when you will need it and it is better to take money out of a savings account to pay for unanticipated expenses rather than adding it to a credit card balance.
How interest is calculated can have a great impact on the interest earned by your account and how your savings grow. Compound interest arises when interest is added to the principal and when the interest that has also been added earns interest. You will see your account balance grow more quickly with accounts that pay interest more frequently. The "Annual Percentage Yield" or APY is the effective annual rate of return once the effect of compounding interest is factored in.
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