Repayment of a loan requires that the borrower make a monthly payment to the lender. With each monthly payment, you pay down a portion of the loan principal, as well as monthly interest on the outstanding balance. Loan payments are amortized so that the monthly payment remains the same throughout the repayment period, but during that time, the percentage of the amount that goes towards principal will increase as the outstanding loan balance decreases.
Making the decision to return to work after staying at home with children, or leaving the workforce to stay at home is sometimes a difficult decision for parents. The financial aspects of that decision will be based on the elimination of expenses incurred while staying at home, examples of which are life and health insurance premiums that may be replaced by employer-provided plans. When looking at the benefits of working, income should be considered right alongside the ability to build a retirement fund through 401(k) contributions, the cost of health and life insurance and the expenses associated with being part of the workforce.
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