Online Banking
Sign Up!Nowadays, many new and clever ways to steal your personal and financial information exist, meaning we need to keep guarded. We’ll work with you to keep your devices, and your data, protected.
Don’t let sensitive personal and financial data fall into the wrong hands! Defend your devices – and your data – for better security. Start by following these helpful tips:
When creating usernames and passwords, avoid including parts of your name, physical address, email address, phone number or other potentially sensitive information that can be easily deduced. Also, don’t use the same login information for multiple accounts, especially financial ones.
Strengthen your login information even more by including numbers and special characters, and change your passwords regularly. Always log off when you’re done using sites that require a username and password.
By setting up a firewall on your device, you can prevent unauthorized access to your network and receive alerts anytime hackers try to access your system. Always make sure your firewall is enabled before going online.
Up-to-date antivirus software can help prevent hackers from accessing sensitive information on your devices. And when you set it to update automatically and be on the lookout for signs of malware on your device, you can all but eliminate undesirable break-ins. Examples of these signs could include slow activity, crashes, error messages, failure to start up or shut down, pop-ups, unexpected toolbars, changes in your default web browser or a battery that drains quickly.
Disconnect and shut down when you’re not using your device to avoid any unapproved access.
Taking this approach adds an extra level of information security. Basically, you provide multiple different identifiers to unlock something. Examples include utilizing your cell phone for a one-time numeric code or approving access via a link sent directly to an approved email address.
When donating or disposing of a used device, permanently delete all files and consider restoring the device to its factory settings.
There are some companies that guarantee the proper disposal of old or outdated devices.
Whenever regular updates become available for your operating system, install them. If you don’t, you’re more likely to miss out on security fixes that block hackers. With each update, review your browser security settings to make sure they still match your security preferences.
Keep an eye out for email messages from unknown or suspicious senders, and don’t click on links within them. Inbox spam filters catch many threats, but they don’t block everything. Fraudsters have become more sophisticated, and have found ways to get through to you using social engineering tactics. In a nutshell, beware of anything that looks or sounds suspicious.
This is crucial, especially in the event you become locked out of your device. And if you do eventually lose access to your information, such as with a hacker who has deployed ransomware and is holding your information hostage until you pay them, you’ll be able to regain access to your information elsewhere.
This is a second line of defense for your device; an extra layer of privacy through encryption. Even if someone somehow gains access to your device, they won’t be able to read any of your files because that information is scrambled.
Bluetooth sometimes serves as a back door cybercriminals can use to get into your system. When you’re not using it, turn it off. (Psst. A plus is that this will also help extend your device’s battery life!)
Wi-Fi networks that are password-free and widely available are not secure. Too many people place their trust in these networks, which is why they’re such a popular target for hackers. Make sure your main Wi-Fi networks are secured with robust passwords.
This is a convenient tool, but if hackers succeed in penetrating your device’s defenses, they can use autocomplete to obtain sensitive information, such as names, email addresses, passwords, etc.
By making a habit of clearing your internet history often, hackers will have less information to access – including cookies and cached files.
If a cybercriminal gains access to your device’s camera, you no longer have privacy, and they can pick up on sensitive conversations and information related to your surroundings. They can also use the camera piece to spy on your home, your family and you.
Don’t text personal or sensitive information, such as passwords or account numbers. Also, never open attachments from unknown senders. If someone reaches out on behalf of an organization you’re associated with, contact that organization directly to check if the communication is legitimate.
Do your best to not visit unknown or untrusted websites, and especially don’t download content from them. These sites could host harmful malware.
Physical security is important, too. If you set a device down in a public place and walk away, anyone could pick it up and potentially gain access to the information inside.
Even locked and in your pocket doesn’t always mean safe; some thieves make a habit of picking pockets of unsuspecting people. If possible, keep your device in a pocket or bag with a zipper to thwart off an easy grab if someone bumps into you.
We’ve got you covered!
When it comes to securing your personal and financial information, we’re always by your side, deterring fraud in multiple ways.
Let's help you spot common scams and easily alert us, if you ever need to.
Rest assured, we’ve got your back in the event you ever experience fraud on your account.
Easily gain knowledge about security and fraud protection by checking out a number of our fraud prevention resources.
Contact us and we’d be more than happy to help you.