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happy man and woman sit at table with smartphone and enjoy information security

Steadfast Security, Specifically for You

When it comes to securing your personal and financial information, we never clock out. We’re always here (and there) for you, continuously working to safeguard your accounts and provide the resources needed to deter fraud, identity theft, scams and other threats.

Our Commitment, Your Peace of Mind.

When it comes to your information security, we stay by your side throughout your full financial journey. For starters, we make it so that you can easily:

  1. Receive Alerts

    Conveniently stay on top of spending activity by receiving real-time text or email alerts whenever your debit card is used. Easily set these up in the mobile app!

  2. Stay in Control

    Freeze your debit card right from the Gate City Bank mobile app if it becomes lost or stolen, set spending caps for different types of merchants or opt to have it work only at certain locations and times.

  3. Notify Us About Travel

    When travel plans get you on the move, easily set travel notifications for the debit card you plan to use from the convenience of our mobile app.

We continually monitor your accounts for suspicious activity, but there are additional proactive steps you can take to help reduce the risk of fraud, identity theft and scams:

Be careful about which websites you send money to, or through. You should be confident that a website is legitimate and credible before making purchases. It also helps to read the site’s privacy policy, especially sections that talk about what they do with your personal information.

Pro Tip:

Only share this information on secure webpages that display “https” in the address bar and a padlock symbol at the bottom of your browser. The “s” in this example stands for “secure” – so those specific site URLs have been verified as legitimate and safe.

Except for when you need to open an account, apply for a loan or obtain a new credit card, consider freezing your credit file by contacting each of the three credit reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. That way, no one can open something in your name. Credit freezes are free and don’t impact your credit score.

If a company you’ve patronized or been associated with experiences a data breach, your records may have been affected. Act quickly to find out what kind of information might have been compromised. Depending on the type of information accessed, closely monitor associated accounts.

Pro Tip:

Sometimes larger companies will offer to monitor your account(s) or credit for free following a serious breach of information.

Keep your card in a secure location and share your number only when absolutely necessary. Don’t carry it around with you, for there’s the possibility it could become lost or stolen.

Sometimes, social media activity can be used for means of fraud and identity theft. Fraudsters look for information such as your home or email address, children’s names, birthdays and more. Do your best to not share this information. Additionally, don’t let your networks know when you’ll be out of town on vacation or a work trip. This is a clear sign to criminals that you won’t be home.

Pro Tip:

Only accept friend requests from people you know, beware of suspicious links and carefully review the platform’s privacy policies.

The IRS doesn’t initiate contact via email, text or social media, and therefore you shouldn’t share your personal or financial information (such as PIN numbers, account numbers, passwords or your Social Security number) in these areas.

In our digital world, money transfer schemes are evolving as thieves become more sophisticated. If you receive a request to transfer funds, no matter where it comes from, be sure to verify the legitimacy of the outreach. Also, beware of scams that look like official correspondence. Look for inconsistencies in email addresses, as well as poor grammar and spelling. If you do think you’ve been a victim of wire fraud, act immediately by contacting your bank representative and reporting the fraud.

If something feels off and makes you uneasy or think twice, listen to that instinct. It’s OK to be cautious and walk away (or close out a browser window/app) for the sake of your information security.

girl sits in grass after protecting her device and securing her data at gate city bank

Defend Your Data.

We’ll work with you to keep your devices – and your data – protected.

happy young couple holds phones on a sunny day while enjoying debit card controls

Stay in Control.

Life is too short to spend time worrying about the little things. If your debit card ever becomes lost, stolen or misplaced – we’ve got it under control.

young woman with glasses studies security and fraud protection on laptop

A More Secure Future Begins With Us.

Easily gain knowledge about security and fraud protection by checking out a number of our fraud prevention resources.

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