An overdraft fee occurs when you try to spend more money than you have available in your checking account. Rather than denying the transaction, the bank will allow the purchase by advancing the funds to cover the purchase, with a nominal charge to your account.
Overdraft fees can involve check, ACH or debit card transactions. Some banks will occasionally forgive an overdraft fee to help you cover other essential expenses from your account. However, it’s best to review your bank’s account agreements to understand the policy on handling overdrafts.
When it comes to protecting yourself from overdraft fees, you have two main options – connecting your Gate City Bank checking account with your savings account or adding a reserve line of credit to provide extra peace of mind:
Learn more about helpful hints and habits to avoid overdrafts or check out our BankOn checking account for even more ways to steer clear of overdraft fees.
The best way to prevent overdraft fees is to know your daily balance, manage your monthly budget and try not to spend more money than you have available, but mistakes do happen. Learn more about some habits you can adopt to avoid surprise overdraft fees.
To set up a savings link in online banking, navigate to “Accounts,” choose “Savings Link” and select your back-up account. If you’re using the mobile app, tap “More” at the bottom of your screen, then hit “Accounts” and “Savings Link” before choosing your back-up account. You can also contact us to set up a savings link.
Speak with one of our helpful lenders to learn more about a checking reserve line of credit. They’ll be happy to assist you with the application process!
To locate a current list of the total amount you have paid year-to-date in overdraft fees, please reference your most recent checking account statement (last page).
To view your online statements or notices from your Gate City Bank online banking account:
You can also view statements and notices from our mobile app:
Note: Please log in to online banking from a web browser to view statements and notices from any closed accounts.
1 Current loan qualifications apply. Other terms and conditions may apply. Rates are subject to change. Alrighty – see ya later!